Coming soon!
Local Youth Programs
Young Emerging Leaders for Disability Power (YELD).
Our friends over at Colorado Cross Disability Coalition (Denver) are launching an exciting new program called YELD. The program provides advocacy and leadership training and opportunities for Colorado’s youth, specifically high school students. The program begins August 6th, 2022. See the CCDC website for more information and a link to apply. Students who complete the program will receive a $500 stipend.
Atlantis Community, Inc.
Atlantis Community, Inc. (Denver) supports young adults with disabilities through a variety of services and programs, including employment advising, benefit support, and a weekly Youth Connect call. Contact Atlantis for details.
Center for People with Disabilities
CPWD (Boulder, Longmont, Brighten) supports youth and families with the transition from high school to the “real world,” including job seeking, benefits planning, socialization, transportation, and self advocacy. Contact CPWD for details.